
Hi, my name is Will Hansen.

I’m a software developer in the Seattle area. I have this problem, see. I simply love rivers. I'm totally addicted and rafting trips are about the only means to calm me down. So, creating and maintaining websites about western rivers and whitewater rafting gets me through the gaps between my river trips.

Over the last 5 years, hundreds of photos submitted by my fellow river junkies to my other website, www.WhitewaterCampsites.com, has left me as the caretaker of quite a collection of pictures of the major multi-day rafting trip rivers in the western USA. Until now, many of those great shots were buried deep within that website, literally at the bottom of the long lists of campsite photos. So RaftingTheWest.com lets me turn the pile of photos upside down, bring the rivers to the top, and showcase them.

The rafting trip rivers of the west comprise an amazing and diverse recreational resource of spectacular beauty. While relatively few people ever really get to see these wonderful canyons up close and personal, Rafting the West was created as the next best thing. And this site provides me with a place to post the many photos that I've taken that never found a place in the campsites website. I hope you enjoy perusing Rafting the West as much as I've enjoyed creating and maintaining it.

Remember, you too can be a contributor to Rafting the West. In doing so, your cool photos can be enjoyed by all rather than buried and forgotten in your own PC files or spread across the internet in disconnected places or generic photo galleries. I welcome great river or rafting photos you care to send my way. But be warned, unlike the campsites website, I’ll be picky in which photos are posted on Rafting the West.

By the way, my wife Carla and I are ‘empty nesters’ and always looking forward to our next river trip. If you run into us on a river, be sure to say ‘hi’. We look forward to meeting you.

If you wish to send me feedback about either website, here's my address.



  • Raft entering rapid with large rock in foreground
    Photo of Will Hansen and daughter Lisa in a rocky canyon
    Photo of Will Hansen and daughter Lisa in a rocky canyon